
The Cultural and Technologic Association Ingenia XXI (www.ingenia21.org), born in 2014 at the University of Cordoba (UCO) as a support platform for young entrepreneurs, along with the Aula Ingenia de Cultura y Tecnología from the University of Cordoba, present IlusionArte, a framework where sustainable culture and technology come together to recover two of the greatest geniuses of the twentieth century.

IlusionArte is a cultural and technological project focused on the self-employment of young artists and engineers with the purpose of spreading the Spanish musical heritage by applying the latest technologies in sustainable lighting, building automation system and home automation developed at the Polytechnic School of Cordoba.

IlusionArte aims to show, apart from the usual clichés, the importance of a unique heritage at national and international level, as well as the need for registration, documentation and dissemination of one of the pillars of our culture and history. Therefore it is a multidisciplinary project, articulated in several interconnected sections, allowing us to improve our understanding of cultural aspects and Spanish heritage through the latest trends in sustainable technology.